Human Capital KPIs for HR Managers

published on 27 January 2024

HR managers would agree that effectively monitoring key performance indicators (KPIs) is critical for optimizing human capital management.

In this post, you'll discover the top 10 human capital KPIs that every HR manager needs to track for enhanced talent acquisition, development, and retention.

You'll see key examples and templates for human capital metrics, learn how to set targets and align KPIs to overarching HR strategy, and take away tangible next steps for immediately improving your organization's human capital management through robust KPI monitoring.**

Introduction to Human Capital KPIs

Human capital KPIs are metrics used to evaluate and quantify the effectiveness of an organization's human resources and talent management practices. As an HR manager, monitoring these KPIs is critical for data-driven decision making, strategic planning, and optimizing human capital ROI.

Exploring Key Performance Indicators in HR

Key performance indicators (KPIs) are quantifiable measures used to track performance against organizational goals. In human resources, common KPIs include:

  • Retention rate: percentage of employees retained over a period
  • Turnover rate: percentage of employees that left the company over a period
  • Time to hire: number of days to fill an open position
  • Recruiting cost per hire: total recruiting expenditure divided by number of hires
  • Training hours per employee
  • Employee satisfaction score
  • Promotion rate: percentage of employees promoted

These metrics indicate how successful HR processes are in attracting, developing, and retaining top talent. Analyzing them identifies opportunities to refine strategies.

The Importance of Monitoring Human Capital KPIs

Tracking human capital KPIs enables data-based evaluation of HR programs, uncovers problem areas, and guides impactful decisions. Key benefits include:

  • Optimizing costs: Identifying expensive or ineffective practices to adjust resource allocation
  • Improving engagement: Pinpointing issues lowering satisfaction so appropriate interventions can be made
  • Predicting churn: Detecting turnover red flags early enough to implement retentive measures
  • Benchmarking: Comparing against industry standards to evaluate competitiveness
  • Strategic planning: Utilizing trends to adapt policies and set realistic HR objectives aligned with business goals

Carefully selected KPIs illuminate the connection between human capital initiatives and organizational success.

What are KPI in human resources?

KPI stands for Key Performance Indicator. These are measurements that track the performance and progress of critical activities and processes within an organization.

In human resources, KPIs have become essential tools for HR managers and leaders to gauge the effectiveness of various people-related functions. Some examples of common HR KPIs include:

  • Employee retention rate - measures the percentage of employees who remain employed at a company over a specific period of time. A higher retention rate indicates better talent management programs.

  • Time to hire - tracks the average number of days it takes to fill an open position. Lower times indicate an efficient recruiting process.

  • Training hours per employee - calculates the average training and development hours invested in each employee. More training hours can lead to a more skilled and engaged workforce.

  • Employee satisfaction score - surveys employees on their overall job satisfaction levels and engagement. Higher scores translate to happier and more productive employees.

  • Recruiting cost per hire - tallies the costs associated with recruiting like job board fees and divides it by total new hires. Lower costs signal an optimized recruiting strategy.

By regularly monitoring these and other relevant KPIs, HR managers can identify areas of improvement, demonstrate the value of HR investments, and enhance data-driven decision making for strategic workforce planning.

What are the three key indicators of human resources?

Human resources (HR) professionals rely on key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure and optimize various aspects of their organization's workforce. According to experts, there are three KPIs that serve as the most critical indicators of HR success:

Employee Productivity

Employee productivity measures the efficiency of a company's workforce. Common metrics used to gauge productivity include:

  • Revenue per employee - Total company revenue divided by the number of employees. A rising revenue per employee over time indicates greater productivity.
  • Profit per employee
  • Output per employee - Such as number of sales made, customers served, products manufactured, etc. per employee over a set timeframe.

Monitoring productivity KPIs allows HR managers to identify opportunities to improve employee performance through additional training, better tools/technology, or realignment of responsibilities.

Turnover Rates

The rate at which employees voluntarily leave an organization, known as "voluntary turnover", is a fundamental workforce health metric. Specific calculations include:

  • Monthly or annual employee turnover rate - The number of voluntary departures divided by average number of employees over the measured timeframe.
  • Position-specific turnover rates - Turnover rate for specific jobs/departments.
  • Retention rate - The inverse metric (1 - turnover rate).

Analyzing turnover rates by segment enables targeted retention programs for critical roles.

Employee Engagement

Engaged employees are more productive, creative, and loyal. Ways to measure engagement include:

  • Employee satisfaction surveys
  • Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS)
  • Participation rates in employee resource groups
  • Uptake rates on training/development opportunities

Monitoring engagement metrics helps HR nurture talent, boost retention, and sustain a thriving organizational culture.

What is the KPI for HRBP?

Key performance indicators (KPIs) are metrics used to evaluate the effectiveness of human resources (HR) processes and initiatives. As an HR business partner (HRBP), some important KPIs to track include:

Employee Satisfaction

This measures how content and engaged employees are in their roles. It can be assessed through surveys and scoring metrics. Targets could include increasing survey scores by a certain percentage over a set timeframe.

Turnover Rate

This tracks the rate at which employees voluntarily leave the organization. Aim to decrease turnover, especially among top talent.

Time to Fill Open Positions

This tracks how long it takes to fill open requisitions. Set goals around decreasing this time through more efficient recruiting and hiring processes.

Training & Development Effectiveness

This evaluates the impact of training programs via participation rates, test scores, survey feedback, and demonstrated skill improvements. Goals may include increasing participation and positive feedback by certain margins.

HR Process Efficiency

This measures metrics like cost per hire and HR processing times. The focus is on maximizing productivity and efficiency. Targets could be set around decreasing costs or turnaround times by specific percentages.

Clearly defining KPIs and setting measurable targets is key for HRBPs. This enables data-driven decision making to enhance HR operations and workforce productivity. Tracking the above metrics can provide great insight into the health of an organization.


What is KPI for HR analyst?

An HR key performance indicator (KPI) is a measurable value used to track progress toward pre-defined goals related to managing an organization's human capital. Some examples of common HR KPIs include:

Recruiting KPIs

  • Time to hire - measures the average number of days it takes to fill a position from when the job requisition was opened. Helps assess recruiting team efficiency.
  • Cost per hire - calculates the average expenditure incurred per candidate hired. Useful for benchmarking expenditure.
  • Offer acceptance rate - percentage of job offers accepted by candidates. Can indicate competitiveness of compensation and benefits.
  • Source of hire - tracks where candidates are sourced from. Measures effectiveness of different sourcing channels.

Retention KPIs

  • Turnover rate - percentage of employees that leave the organization over a set period of time. Useful for gauging employee satisfaction.
  • Retention rate - the inverse metric, helping determine employee loyalty.
  • Exit interview feedback - qualitative feedback on why employees choose to leave. Identifies areas needing improvement.

Training KPIs

  • Training program ROI - return on investment from training programs. Quantifies value derived.
  • Employee participation rate - percentage of intended employees attending training programs. Indicates training relevance.

Carefully tracking human capital KPIs allows HR managers to spot trends, identify issues, and enhance policies and processes to better recruit, develop, and retain talent.

Core Human Capital KPIs for Enhanced HR Management

This section delves into the essential human capital KPIs that HR managers should prioritize, providing KPI for managers examples and human resources KPI examples.

Top 10 HR KPIs to Track

The top 10 HR KPIs crucial for effective human capital management include:

  1. Employee retention rate
  2. Time to hire
  3. Cost per hire
  4. Training program ROI
  5. Employee engagement score
  6. Employee productivity
  7. Absenteeism rate
  8. Employee turnover rate
  9. Internal fill rate
  10. Offer acceptance rate

These human capital kpis provide critical insights into talent acquisition, development, engagement and retention. Tracking them enables data-driven decision making to optimize HR operations.

Sample KRA and KPI for HR Manager

Here is an example key result area (KRA) and corresponding key performance indicator (KPI) for an HR manager:

KRA: Improve quality of hire


  • Screening to hire conversion rate
  • 90-day new hire retention rate
  • Manager satisfaction score

Setting clear KRAs and defining metrics to evaluate outcomes is key for success.

HR Manager KPI Examples

Specific HR manager KPI examples include:

  • Decreased average time to fill open roles from 45 days to 30 days
  • Increased employee retention rate from 75% to 85% year-over-year
  • Reduced cost per hire by 20% through use of new applicant tracking system
  • Improved employee engagement scores by 15% after launching new company culture initiative

Tracking metrics over time shows the impact of HR initiatives.

Human Capital KPIs Examples for Talent Retention

Human capital kpis examples focused on retention include:

  • Voluntary turnover rate
  • Employee rehire rate
  • Employee tenure
  • Internal fill rate

These provide insight into reasons employees choose to stay or leave.

Learning & Development ROI

Determining the return on investment (ROI) for training programs involves metrics like:

  • Percentage of employees receiving training
  • Training program satisfaction score
  • Productivity improvement post-training
  • Calculation of revenue increase compared to program costs

Understanding program impact is vital for continued skills development.

Tracking these essential human capital kpis enables HR managers to make data-driven decisions, optimize operations, improve strategy, and demonstrate HR's impact on the organization.

Designing a Human Capital KPIs Template

Essentials of a Human Capital KPIs Template

An effective human capital KPI template should include metrics to track key aspects of the employee experience and workforce performance. Here are some essential elements to include:

  • Recruitment KPIs: Time to hire, cost per hire, offer acceptance rate, source of hire
  • Retention KPIs: Turnover rate, retention rate, exit interview feedback
  • Development KPIs: Training hours per employee, internal promotion rate
  • Engagement KPIs: Employee satisfaction, employee net promoter score
  • Performance KPIs: Revenue per employee, profit per employee

These categories cover attracting, retaining, developing, engaging employees and workforce productivity. Custom KPIs can also be added.

Customizing Your HR KPI Template

To customize the template, HR managers should:

  • Align KPIs to company goals and strategy
  • Benchmark metrics against industry standards
  • Prioritize 5-10 critical KPIs to track
  • Set relevant targets and thresholds

For example, if the goal is to reduce turnover, retention rate targets can be set against benchmarks.

Implementing a Human Capital KPI Dashboard

A dashboard visually tracks KPIs. Best practices for implementation include:

  • Automated data inputs for real-time metrics
  • Charts showing trends over time
  • Segmentation by department, manager, or employee level
  • Alerts when targets are unmet

This enables data-driven and proactive management.

Setting KPI Targets

When setting targets:

  • Use historical data and benchmarks
  • Set stretch targets that tie into strategy
  • Define target setting processes and ownership
  • Revisit and revise targets periodically

Realistic yet ambitious targets catalyze performance gains.

Linking Human Capital KPIs to HR Strategy

This section will guide HR managers on how to connect human capital KPIs with broader HR initiatives for a cohesive strategy.

Aligning KPIs with HR Initiatives

It is critical that human capital KPIs directly support and measure the effectiveness of key HR programs and policies. For example:

  • Recruitment KPIs like time to fill open positions, offer acceptance rate, and new hire retention rate should align with talent acquisition goals around building a strong talent pipeline.

  • Learning and development KPIs like training program completion rates, employee satisfaction with training, and improved performance metrics post-training should reflect the objectives of upskilling and reskilling initiatives.

  • DE&I KPIs like representation rates across different demographic groups and inclusion index scores from engagement surveys should tie into creating a diverse, equitable, and inclusive work culture.

Ensure your KPI dashboard and reporting provides visibility into how each metric contributes towards broader HR strategic priorities.

KPIs for Talent Acquisition and Onboarding

Critical metrics for evaluating the effectiveness of talent acquisition and onboarding include:

  • Time to fill open positions
  • Offer acceptance rate
  • Cost per hire
  • Quality of hire score
  • New hire 30/60/90 day retention rate
  • New hire engagement and satisfaction score

These KPIs indicate how well recruitment efforts are faring towards building a strong talent pipeline and setting new hires up for success. Poor scores call for examining pain points in the hiring process and onboarding program.

KPIs for Performance Management

Robust performance management relies on KPIs that track:

  • Completion rates for goal setting and performance reviews
  • Employee perception of review quality and developmental value
  • Manager effectiveness scores
  • Improved individual and team productivity metrics

Such metrics should provide insight into the impact of performance systems on employee growth and organizational results.

KPIs for Employee Engagement and Satisfaction

Key indicators for monitoring employee experience and sentiment include:

  • Engagement index/score from annual surveys
  • Employee NPS or likelihood to recommend score
  • Voluntary turnover rate
  • Employee satisfaction score
  • Absenteeism and presenteeism rate

These quantify employee morale, fulfillment, and alignment with company culture and values. They serve as a barometer for a positive or negative work environment.

Conclusion & Key Takeaways on Human Capital KPIs

Human capital KPIs provide critical insights that enable HR managers to make data-driven decisions to improve workforce performance. By consistently tracking metrics like employee retention rate, time to hire, and employee engagement, HR can pinpoint areas needing improvement and measure the impact of HR initiatives.

Some key takeaways include:

Recap of Essential Human Capital Metrics

  • Employee retention rate: Measures ability to retain top talent over time. Aim for over 80%.

  • Time to hire: Tracks efficiency of recruiting process. Goal is 25-35 days on average.

  • Employee engagement score: Gauges employee satisfaction and commitment. Target is 70% or above.

  • Learning & development utilization: Measures participation in L&D programs. Aim for over 60% annually.

  • Manager effectiveness rating: Assesses managers' ability to motivate teams. Goal of 4 out of 5 from employees.

Strategic Importance of KPI Monitoring

Consistent tracking and analysis of human capital metrics enables data-driven management of the workforce to:

  • Identify weak points in HR operations needing improvement
  • Quantify the impact of new HR initiatives over time
  • Benchmark HR performance against industry standards
  • Prioritize investments in high-ROI HR programs
  • Build an analytical culture focused on workforce optimization

Next Steps for HR Managers

To leverage human capital KPIs for strategic gains, HR managers should:

  • Determine the most critical metrics to track based on organizational goals
  • Establish processes for continuous data collection
  • Set measurable targets for each KPI
  • Analyze trends regularly and share insights with leadership
  • Collaborate across departments to drive workforce improvements

Focusing on essential human capital KPIs will empower HR managers to enhance data-driven decision-making and workforce optimization.

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